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Date Created
Thu, 28th Apr 2011
Date Modified
Wed, 19th Mar 2014

   Installing an SSL Certificate


How do I install an SSL Certificate on my domain hosted by QWKNET servers? 


Before you get started, make sure you have a "Dedicated IP Address" (this is a necessity).  If you need a dedicated IP, you can assign one to your domain by clicking on the "Domains" icon in your QWKNET control panel.  You will then click on the "Edit" icon to the right of the domain name you wish to assign a dedicated IP address to.  Then on the 3rd line down, next to "IP Address", click the link in blue that says "CHANGE to Dedicated IP", and click Yes to accept the change.

Note:   If you just changed to a Dedicated IP Address, you will have to wait for propagation to take place before completing the following steps.  This typically takes anywhere from 2 to 24 hours to complete.

1)   Log in to your QWKNET control panel and click on the "SSL" icon.

2)   To the right of your desired domain, click the "Off" icon under the SSL column (not the Shared SSL column).

3)   Next you will need to click on the text in blue that says "Generate self signed SSL certificate".  Here you will select if you want the SSL certificate for '' OR ''.  Note: The presence or lack there of, of the 'www', is critical information when purchasing your SSL Certificate.  Verify the rest of the information and click submit.  You will then be presented with 3 different Certificates, the first of which, the "SSL Certificate Signing Request", will need to be copied and pasted into a text document for use in the next step.  Then click submit.

4)   Next you will purchase your SSL Certificate.  This can be done by QWKnet or your choice of Certificate provider.  When you purchase your SSL Certificate you will need to have your "Certificate Signing Request" from the previous step, which will be copied and pasted during the purchasing process.  This is also where you will be asked to enter the exact domain name as mentioned before, meaning with or without the preceding 'www'.

5)   You will then have to approve the SSL Certificate request via the email address designated in the Administrator/Billing sections when purchasing your certificate.  Once approved, an email will be sent to the Technical contact email address which was also designated in the previous step, which will include 2 more certificates, a "Certificate Authority File (web server cert)" and a "Certificate Chain File" (intermediate ca).

6)   Lastly, you will add these 2 new certificates in your QWKnet H-Sphere control panel.  This is accomplished by logging back in to the control panel, clicking on the SSL icon, and clicking the "Edit" icon across from the desired domain.
Here we will paste and submit the Certificate Chain File, then paste and submit the Certificate Authority File (In that specific order!).

Lastly, browse to the site and test to make sure the certificate is working/updated.

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