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Article Data
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Date Created
Thu, 20th Nov 2014
Date Modified
Thu, 20th Nov 2014

   DIG- Mac, Linux


What is DIG?

How do I use DIG on Linux?

How do I use DIG on a Mac?



Dig- Mac & Linux

Use Dig for Windows

(Domain Information Groper)

DIG is a tool commonly used in the Terminal for Mac and Linux to query DNS to obtain mx (E-mail) records, A records.

This information is very useful for setting up E-mail clients to communicate with our E-mail servers. Depending on your E-mail client you may wish to review our Knowledge base to use both this and the other entry to help complete this process. (Outlook, Thunderbird...)

These commands are already accessible on all Mac (Apple) and Linux operating systems

  1. To find your E-mail server

             1.1Open Terminal

    1. Type 'dig mx'

      note that not all domain names are .com they can also be .net .info …

    1. Your Results should show under the 'Answer Section' your domain name and your assigned Mail server. It should look similar to this.

        ;; ANSWER SECTION: 80659 IN MX 10

It is common for your Incoming mail server and your outgoing mail server to be the same when you are configuring your E-mail client.

  1. To search for A records do the following (A record shows you the Public IP address)

    1. Open Terminal

    1. Type 'dig'

    1. Results should look like the following

        ;; ANSWER SECTION: 86400 IN A

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