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Article Data
Article Ref
Date Created
Mon, 6th Jan 2014
Date Modified
Mon, 6th Jan 2014

   Email Disabled due to Spamming


How do I get my email account unsuspended?


Hosting/Email accounts often get suspended because it was discovered that they were sending spam.  This is the result of being invaded by some form of malware on one or more of the devices you use to access the suspended email.  This can include not only desktops, but also phones and tablets.

In order to have your hosting/email account unsuspended we have to be sure that all of these devices have been cleaned. After the necessary steps have been taken to clean up these devices we will enable your account and change the offending email's password.

We ask that you complete the following tasks:

Install, UPDATE, and scan with the following free programs: Eset, MalwareBytes, Spybot.  If you have another antivirus program currently installed, please uninstall it before downloading and installing these.  After you have completed one scan with each of these, make sure to click the necessary button to "fix" the problems, then restart your devices and scan one more time.  Links to download these are provided below.

Windows users:

WINDOWS:     (the 30 day free trial)



Thank you!