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Date Created
Thu, 3rd Jul 2014

   Setting up E-mail on your Mac


How do I set up my email on my Mac?

How do I set up Mac Mail?


1. Open Mac's “Mail” and click the "Create a new account" link.

  • If you've already been using Mac Mail, go to "Mail" in the top bar and select "Add Account."

2. Select “Add other mail account...” from the list of account types given.

3. From here it will ask for 4 things: IMAP or POP, Your name, your e-mail address, and your password. Enter all three of those and click "Create."

  1. Select IMAP or POP based on your preference.

    • IMAP leaves mail on the server and so multiple devices like a phone or computer can access it.

    • POP3 downloads all the mail to your computer or device. This prevents your mailbox from filling up on the server.

4. Enter in the “Mail Server” field.

  1. SSL is the default setting for Mac. To use SSL you must use your fully qualified domain name.

    • To do that open “Terminal” on your Mac and type the following:
      “ dig mx”

    • Now, to the right of “MX” in the “Answer Section:” it should say something like “” This is your fully qualified domain name.

        2.  Alternatively, do the following

                    1.  Go to your Control Panel, and click "Domains”

                    2.  Then half way down the list click the "edit" symbol next to "DNS Configuration"

                    3.  You will see and entry with on the left and something like on the right. The or                             whatever is on the right would be your fully qualified server name.

5. Update the next two fields as well with the following:

6. Fill in the next 3 fields the same as the previous three. Fill them out EVEN IF THEY ARE LABELED “OPTIONAL.”

  • Enter (or the same as step 4) in the “Mail Server” field.

  • User Name:

  • Password: You gave me the correct one over the phone

You're done!


If you have trouble, click “Mail” in the top bar, “Accounts,” select your account, and then click “Advanced.”

Verify the following:

  1. Make sure all spelling on passwords, mail servers, and domain names. (Letters commonly get switched and you might read over it a couple times before you notice!)
  2. Then:

                     Incoming Port: 995 (POP with SSL) or 110 (If you chose POP3 in Step 3 no SSL)

                     Incoming Port: 993 (IMAP with SSL) or 143 (If you chose IMAP in Step 3, no SSL)

                     Outgoing Port: 465 with SSL or 587(NOT 25) with No SSL

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