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Date Created
Wed, 22nd Jun 2011
Date Modified
Wed, 4th Jun 2014

   iPhone and iPad Email Setup


 How do I setup my email on my iPhone or iPad?


From your iPhone or iPad:

Open "settings"
Open "mail,contacts,calenders"
Open "add account"
Open "other"
Open "add mail account"

That will get you into the "New Account" settings area.  Here you will enter:

Name:   (your name)
Address:   (your email address)
Password:   (your password)
Description:   (how you want to identify this account)

Click "next" or "save" which ever is your option.  On this new page:

Select "IMAP"

Incoming Mail Server=
Username:   (your full email address)
Password:   (your password)

Outgoing Mail Server=
Username:   (your full email address)
Password:   (your password)

Click "save"

If it says "cannot connect using SSL: Do you want to try setting up the account without ssl?" cleck "Yes".


Now, from "mail/contacts/calenders" under "Accounts", select your newly created email
Scroll down to the bottom and select "Advanced"

Use SSL:   OFF
Authentication:   (choose "password")
Port:   143

Use SSL:   OFF
Authentication:   (choose "password")
Port:   587


Now, you will want to back all the way out to the main screen and get back in to modify a few of the default settings:

Open "settings"
Open "mail,contacts,calenders"
Under 'Accounts' select the email you just created
Under 'Outgoing Mail Server' click on "SMTP"
Click on the "" under Primary or Other SMTP Servers
Make sure 'Server' is "ON"
Under 'Outgoing Mail Server' fill in the following:
    - Host Name:
    - User Name:   email address
    - Password:   email password
    - Use SSL:   OFF
    - Authentication:   Password
    - Server Port:   587


Although the method above is the easiest way to set up your e-mail, we would recommend using SSL when a device allows for it. This provides extra security to help keep your email secure. It requires changing a few minor settings during or after setup. Here are the changes that are necessary:

-If you wish to use SSL-

If you wish to use SSL you must use the fully qualified name for your mail server instead of This can be found by Doing the following:

1. Go to your Control Panel, and click "Domains" 
2. Then half way down the list click the "edit" symbol next to "DNS Configuration" 
3. You will see and entry with on the left and something like on the right. The or whatever is on the right would be your fully qualified server name.

For SSL these settings would change:

Incoming Server name: example:

Outgoing Server(SMTP): example:

Incoming Port: 995 (POP3 Only)

Incoming Port: 993 (IMAP Only)

Outgoing Port: 465

Call us and provide us with a domain and we'd be happy to let you know which server you're on. You can also start a ticket or request in a ticket to know the server name and we can give it to you there as well.


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