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- Accessing Email
- Category Created
- Thu, 7th Apr 2011
- Last Article Update
- Fri, 30th Nov 2012
Accessing Email
Showing the 14 Articles in this Category
- Unlink Error when retreiving e-mail via POP
- Add Email Account to Email Client
- Unable to Send Email
- Configure an Iphone
- Best Practices for Having Email on a Smartphone as Well as a Desktop
- Anti SPAM Documentation
- Webmail
- Encrypting Emails Using SSL
- Can't retrieve Email using Netscape or Mozilla, even though username/password correct
- Connection to SMTP (outgoing mail) Server Fails
- Configuring E-mail Clients
- Email Error 553
- E-mail is rejected because of SpamCop or other Blacklist
- Delete Messages on Iphone using IMAP
Unlink Error when retreiving e-mail via POP
You have multiple profiles set up to retrieve mail from the same mailbox. Remove duplicate profiles.
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Add Email Account to Email Client
Here are some articles that will help with a majority of the current Email clients available today.
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Unable to Send Email
1. You may be sending on the wrong port, it is possible that your ISP blocked the old standard port 25.
- The settings for this will be different depending on which mail client you use.
- This article will explain the issue in greater detail.
- Old mail clients default to port 25. This is by far the most common issue stopping users from sending email.
2. If you are receiving a 533 error when attempting to send, this article will help address that.
3. If your emails are going out, but you are receiving a bounceback message then it is likely an issue on the recipient's end. The only thing you can do is alert the recipient and let them know that their antispam settings are making them lose real email.
- This article will further explain this issue.
4. Your domain name may not be pointed correctly. This article will help you run a WHOIS check to make sure that your domain is pointed properly.
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Configure an Iphone
Before doing this you will need to make sure you have all of the information for your email account. This information includes; domain name, email address, and password.
1. Click the settings button on your iphone.
2. Select the 'Mail, Contacts, Calendars...' link.
3. In the Accounts section, select 'Add Account...'.
4. Here you will see a list of common providers, select 'Other'.
5. Click 'Add Mail Account'.
6. Enter all of your information, make positive sure that any time it asks for username and password you give them your full email address as the username. Here is an example of what all of the information should look like:
- Your Name: QWK Customer
- Email Address:
- Host Name: (This is the same for both incoming and outgoing servers)
- User name:
- Password: ********
7. Upon completion of this process your email account should function immediatey.
Although the method above is the easiest way to set up your e-mail, we would recommend using SSL when a device allows for it. This provides extra security to help keep your email secure. It requires changing a few minor settings during or after setup. Here are the changes that are necessary:
-If you wish to use SSL-
If you wish to use SSL you must use the fully qualified name for your mail server instead of This can be found by Doing the following:
1. Go to your Control Panel, and click "Domains"
2. Then half way down the list click the "edit" symbol next to "DNS Configuration"
3. You will see and entry with on the left and something like on the right. The or whatever is on the right would be your fully qualified server name.
For SSL these settings would change:
Incoming Server name: example:
Outgoing Server(SMTP): example:
Incoming Port: 995 (POP3 Only)
Incoming Port: 993 (IMAP Only)
Outgoing Port: 465
Call us and provide us with a domain and we'd be happy to let you know which server you're on. You can also start a ticket or request in a ticket to know the server name and we can give it to you there as well.
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Best Practices for Having Email on a Smartphone as Well as a Desktop
There are three main combinations to having email on a smartphone as well as a computer.
Combination 1
Smartphone running POP3 and a Computer running POP3.
- With the POP3 protocol, email is downloaded to a device then deleted from the server. When two devices are doing this a "race" condition is created,meaning that whatever device gets to the email first wins and the other device is left with nothing.
- This is not a good solution for having email on two devices, as it won't be on both devices at the same time.
Combination 2
Smartphone running IMAP and a Computer running POP3.
- With this solution the smartphone is setup to always display the emails that are on the server. On the computer we set the POP3 protocol to leave a copy of the message on the server for a certain amount of time. What happens is as the email comes in, the computer will download a copy of the message and leave a copy on the server. This copy will display on the phone and be accessible as long as it is on the server.
- This solution is good because it keeps the inbox size on the server small as it constantly deletes messages older than the specified amount of time.
Combination 3
Smartphone running IMAP and a Computer running IMAP.
- This is a very good solution for synchronizing more than two devices when it comes to email.
- All devices display the contents of the server, so if you delete an email on your smartphone it will get deleted off of the computer. You will have a unified inbox.
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Anti SPAM Documentation
Please let me know how I can be of other assistance.
Quinn Whipple
QWK.Net Hosting, LLC
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Yes, all Shared Hosting accounts support Webmail as well as all major mail clients. To access your email using an internet browser such as internet explorer you will first need to make sure that you know your email account name and password, as well as your website name.
1. Open a new tab or a seperate window in your browser.
2. Type in the URL
- If your website was you would want to go to
- Please note that there is no www, if you add www it will not work.
3. Select any of the available email clients from the email utilities section.
- IMP seems to be the most popular choice, but it is a matter of preference.
4. Log in using the full email address as the username, if IMP asks to perform maintenance click 'skip'.
5. You should now be able to access and compose email.
Follow these steps to access our new webmail system.
1. Open a new tab or a seperate window in your browser.
2. Type in the URL
3. Type in your username as your full email address.
4. Type in your server name
5. Type in your password.
6. Click login.
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Encrypting Emails Using SSL
If you want to encrypt your emails (use SSL) you will need to know 2 things: your official email server name and which email protocol you are using.
1 - To find out which email server your email is on you will need to log in to the Control Panel.
- Click on the "Domains" icon.
- Click on the "Edit" icon associated with the domain in question.
- Click on the "Edit" icon for 'DNS Configuration'.
- The official email server name can be found in the 'Data' column under 'Built in MX records'.
NOTE: It will be one of the following:
2 - To find out which protocol you are using, simply get into the email account settings for the email address in question and you will see one of the following under the "Account Type" section: POP or IMAP. As an example, here are directions on how to find the protocol in Outlook 2010/2013:
- In Outlook, click on the "File" tab,
- Click on "Info",
- Click on "Account Settings",
- Then from the drop down, click on "Account Settings… Add and remove",
- Then in the new window "Account Settings", you will see "Type" in the middle. Here is where you will see if your account's protocol is either POP/SMTP or IMAP/SMTP.
Once you have this information, all you have to do is make sure your Incoming and Outgoing mail servers are the official email server names found in step one and that your email protocol is using the correct port numbers.
If you are using POP, change the port numbers from:
- 110 to 995
- 25/587 to 465
If you are using IMAP, change the port numbers from:
- 143 to 993
- 25/587 to 465
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Can't retrieve Email using Netscape or Mozilla, even though username/password correct
Some versions of Netscape and/or Mozilla do not support POP usernames with an at (@) symbol. Since you use your full e-mail address as username, these programs will not properly work. As a workaround, our mail system will let you use a percent (%) sign instead. So rather than using "" as your username, you would use "".
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Connection to SMTP (outgoing mail) Server Fails
There are three common causes for this error message.
1. Many ISPs have started blocking port 25 for outgoing mail. The solution for this is to set your Email client to send on port 587.
- Every Email client is different, but the port settings are generally found in the advanced settings of account management.
2. Some ISPs block all outside SMTP servers, there is no get around for this. Give your ISP a call and if they do require you to use their SMTP servers then ask them for help configuring your Email client with their servers.
3. One other cause is that your mail client is not setup to log in to the SMTP server. ( servers require authentication before sending.) The credentials used will be the same as your incoming server credentials, email address and password.
- Just as with step 1 every Email client is different, but on many mail clients there is a box that you can check in account management that tells your Email client to authenticate with the server before sending mail.
4. If none of these fixes appear to do anything you may have been given a bad IP Address by your ISP, you can check global blacklists to see if your IP has been flagged for spam or other malicious activity.
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Configuring E-mail Clients
First, ensure that you have created whatever mailboxes you want via the control panel.
Then, configure your e-mail client with the following information:
Password: You gave me the correct one over the phone
Account Type: IMAP (Most common - Leave all mail on the server and makes a copy) -OR- POP3 (Downloads all e-mail -only accessible from one device-)
Incoming Server name: -or- Example:
Outgoing Server(SMTP): -or- Example:
Authentication(if asked):password
SSL: None
Incoming Port: 110 (POP3 Only)
Incoming Port: 143 (IMAP Only)
Outgoing Port: 587 - NOT 25
Although the method above is the easiest way to set up your e-mail, we would recommend using SSL when a device allows for it. This provides extra security to help keep your email secure. It requires changing a few minor settings during or after setup. Here are the changes that are necessary:
-If you wish to use SSL-
If you wish to use SSL you must use the fully qualified name for your mail server instead of This can be found by Doing the following:
1. Go to your Control Panel, and click "Domains"
2. Then half way down the list click the "edit" symbol next to "DNS Configuration"
3. You will see and entry with on the left and something like on the right. The or whatever is on the right would be your fully qualified server name.
For SSL these settings would change:
Incoming Server name: example:
Outgoing Server(SMTP): example:
Incoming Port: 995 (POP3 Only)
Incoming Port: 993 (IMAP Only)
Outgoing Port: 465
Call us and provide us with a domain and we'd be happy to let you know which server you're on. You can also start a ticket or request in a ticket to know the server name and we can give it to you there as well.
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Email Error 553
This error is a result of your email client (i.e. Outlook, Mac Mail, Thunderbird, etc.) attempting to send email without first authenticating with our mail server. In an effort to prevent some of the potential spam we require our customers to authenticate first.
If you are receiving the 553 error, don't worry, it is easy to fix. Below I are instructions for various email clients and email client versions. Simply choose yours and follow the included instructions. I your email client is not included please let us know and we will add yours to our list.
Outlook 2003:
Outlook 2007:
Outlook 2010 & 2013:
Windows 8 Mail App:
Window Live Mail:
Outlook Express:
Exchange Server:
Mac Outlook 2011:
Mac Mail:
Settings -> Mail,Contacts,Calenders -> Select your desired email account -> SMTP -> Select your desired email account again, and then fill out the following:
Hostname =
Username = your full email address
Password = your email password
Authentication = Password
Server Port = 587
Open the "Email" application
Click the settings button (3 dots on most devices)
Select your account
Scroll to "Outgoing Settings" and select
If it's not there, enter the following:
username = full e-mail address
password = e-mail password
Make sure the box for "Require Sign-in" is check marked
Push done and send a test message
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E-mail is rejected because of SpamCop or other Blacklist
A bounce message indicating that Qwknet is on Spamcop or some other blacklist means that someone was sending spam from the shared mail server you are on. This is an issue we have several measures in place to avoid and is something we monitor multiple times per day.
QWK.Net does not tolerate spam originating from its servers. Some users install scripts with security holes, most commonly old versions of FormMail. These can be hijacked by spammers to send spam without a users knowledge. We can only react to these instances by shutting down the broken script as soon as possible. This may be done by suspending a hosting account, or if it's coming from a specific e-mail we may just suspend that e-mail account. However, some systems will still add the originating QWK.Net server to black lists, even though the spam is not actually condoned by QWK.Net.
The only resolution to this is for us to stop the spam as mentioned above and request de-listing. This can take anywhere from 1 hour to 48 hours. Alternatively we encourage people to be very selective about choosing which black lists to use, and to be aware that they could be losing legitimate mail.
If your account or e-mail has been suspended for spam follow the instructions given here:
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Delete Messages on Iphone using IMAP
To enable your Iphone to delete mail, please follow these simple steps on your Iphone.
- Go to 'Settings"
- Select "Mail, Contacts, Calendars"
- Select your account from the list
- Select your account name
- Scroll to the bottom and select "Advanced"
- Tap "Deleted Mailbox"
- Under the heading "On the Server" tap to select "Trash", this should put a checkmark next to Trash
You should now be able to delete email from your Iphone.
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