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Shared Hosting
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Wed, 23rd Mar 2011
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Fri, 14th Feb 2014
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   Shared Hosting

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Error logs 

A shared hosting account tracks all errors that the server reports. This includes failed login attempts.


Your error logs can be found in the FTP portion of your shared hosting account. The folder with all of the error logs is called 'logs' and will be at the base level of your shared hosting account.

Web Hosting | Shared Hosting


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Generic Page Loads Instead of Website 

You will need FTP access to fix this, if you need help logging into your FTP please refer to this article

1. Log into your FTP Account using either a client or the built in FTP manager in your Shared Hosting Account.

2. Locate index.html in the main directory of your website.

  • If there is only one page named index.html/htm/php then your website may have been uploaded improperly or not at all. Try uploading your website again and make sure that your home page is titled index.html.

3. If there are two files named index.html, look at both and determine which one is the generic page.

  • index.html always has first priority, next index.htm, and then index.php. The generic page will always be index.html.

4. Once located, rename it index.bad (We are keeping it just in case it is the wrong file).

5. Test your website, if the index page still comes up then you renamed the wrong index.

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Updating your website framework 

Consistently making sure your website/Wordpress it up to date is very important. Most times you should recieve an e-mail that alerts you to updates. If you don't, in wordpress You can check for updates by going to your Wordpress control panel, clicking “Dashboard,” and then “Updates.” The update process and instructions are simple to follow and can be found in your control panel.

An important step before updating your site is backing it up. In rare cases a Wordpress update can break your website and will need to be fixed by a web developer.  You can copy all your files and export your database in order to back up your website, or you can just use one of many free tools (Provided by Wordpress themselves) which will make backing up your site quick and easy. 

Another way to keep your website and your e-mail clean is by regularly scanning your computer for viruses. It's important to have an up-to-date virus scanner on your computer at all times EVEN if you use a Mac. We recommend customers use Eset Nod32, Spybot Search and Destroy, and Malwarebytes. These are all free (Eset is a 30 day trial) and will play nice if all running on the same computer.

We are glad to have you all as customers and want what's best for you. These things will not only protect your website, e-mail, and information therein, but can also prevent you from getting a disabled account due to spam. Finally, it also helps prevent our mail servers from being blacklisted which is a huge inconvenience to anyone that may be sharing that mail server.


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