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Web Hosting
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Wed, 23rd Mar 2011
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Thu, 20th Nov 2014
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   Web Hosting

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A CNAME record is used to specify that one domain name is an alias of another. This is most commonly used when running multiple services such as an FTP server and a webserver from a single IP address. Using a CNAME record each service can have its own entry in DNS (like and

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DIG- Mac, Linux 


Dig- Mac & Linux

Use Dig for Windows

(Domain Information Groper)

DIG is a tool commonly used in the Terminal for Mac and Linux to query DNS to obtain mx (E-mail) records, A records.

This information is very useful for setting up E-mail clients to communicate with our E-mail servers. Depending on your E-mail client you may wish to review our Knowledge base to use both this and the other entry to help complete this process. (Outlook, Thunderbird...)

These commands are already accessible on all Mac (Apple) and Linux operating systems

  1. To find your E-mail server

             1.1Open Terminal

    1. Type 'dig mx'

      note that not all domain names are .com they can also be .net .info …

    1. Your Results should show under the 'Answer Section' your domain name and your assigned Mail server. It should look similar to this.

        ;; ANSWER SECTION: 80659 IN MX 10

It is common for your Incoming mail server and your outgoing mail server to be the same when you are configuring your E-mail client.

  1. To search for A records do the following (A record shows you the Public IP address)

    1. Open Terminal

    1. Type 'dig'

    1. Results should look like the following

        ;; ANSWER SECTION: 86400 IN A

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DIG- Windows 


(Domain Information Groper)

DIG- Mac, Linux

DIG is a tool commonly used to obtain mx (E-mail) records, A records(public IP address).

This information is very useful for setting up E-mail clients to communicate with our E-mail servers. Depending on your E-mail client you may wish to review our Knowledge base to use both this and the other entry to help complete this process.

For Windows this service is not originally apart of your operating system but can be found online at note, this is not the only tool available for this command and is usable on any operating system.

  1. Go to

  1. Type the desired domain inside of the input box.

  2. Select which type of a dig search that you wish to do by clicking on the drop box and selecting..

    1. A for network address

    2. MX for mail records

  3. your desired output should be similar to this for the A search

    ; <<>> DiG 9.8.2rc1-RedHat-9.8.2-0.23.rc1.el6_5.1 <<>> @ A
; (1 server found)
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 36029
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0

;                 IN      A

;          86400   IN      A

;; Query time: 133 msec
;; WHEN: Thu Oct 23 14:38:33 2014
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 47
  1. your desired output for MX should be similar to this;

    ; <<>> DiG 9.8.2rc1-RedHat-9.8.2-0.23.rc1.el6_5.1 <<>> @ MX
; (1 server found)
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 53039
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0

;                 IN      MX

;          86400   IN      MX      10

;; Query time: 60 msec
;; WHEN: Thu Oct 23 14:39:48 2014
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 66

Your host ( has visited 5 times today.


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DNS is the phone book of the internet, it tells your computer how to access websites.


A DNS entry is comprised of multiple parts, the three main pieces are A records, MX records, and CNAME records. A records are for websites themselves, MX records are for email servers, and CNAME records are for aliases.


To change your DNS settings in your own control panel please follow these steps.

Select Domains from the main page of your control panel.

Select the domain name you wish to edit DNS for.

Click the Edit link next to 'DNS Configuration'.

From here you can add and remove DNS entries.

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Dreamweaver Server Time Error 


This is because Dreamweaver cannot write a file to your hosting account which it needs to create in order to determine the time on your server. This is typically because your account is over it's allotted disk quota, or, there are permissions problems on your site. More often than not, it is because your account has exceeded it's quota.

Delete unneeded files or upgrade to the next hosting package so that you have more space available.

If you have enough disk space, you may want to check that you have enabled "Use Passive FTP" in your Dreamweaver remote site definitions. Sometimes Dreamweaver file transfers / commands will fail if passive mode is not enabled.

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Geotrust SSL Logo 

Here is a snipit of code that will put the Geotrust icon on your ssl site:

To place a Geotrust icon on your store, do the following:

1.) A Geotrust icon must be purchased and installed (to perform this, contact your neoverve representative)
2.) For site wide certificate display, place the code below on your header or footer template.
3.) For single template display, place the code below on the template of your choice.

Quinn Whipple
QWK.Net Hosting, LLC

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Installing an SSL Certificate 

Before you get started, make sure you have a "Dedicated IP Address" (this is a necessity).  If you need a dedicated IP, you can assign one to your domain by clicking on the "Domains" icon in your QWKNET control panel.  You will then click on the "Edit" icon to the right of the domain name you wish to assign a dedicated IP address to.  Then on the 3rd line down, next to "IP Address", click the link in blue that says "CHANGE to Dedicated IP", and click Yes to accept the change.

Note:   If you just changed to a Dedicated IP Address, you will have to wait for propagation to take place before completing the following steps.  This typically takes anywhere from 2 to 24 hours to complete.

1)   Log in to your QWKNET control panel and click on the "SSL" icon.

2)   To the right of your desired domain, click the "Off" icon under the SSL column (not the Shared SSL column).

3)   Next you will need to click on the text in blue that says "Generate self signed SSL certificate".  Here you will select if you want the SSL certificate for '' OR ''.  Note: The presence or lack there of, of the 'www', is critical information when purchasing your SSL Certificate.  Verify the rest of the information and click submit.  You will then be presented with 3 different Certificates, the first of which, the "SSL Certificate Signing Request", will need to be copied and pasted into a text document for use in the next step.  Then click submit.

4)   Next you will purchase your SSL Certificate.  This can be done by QWKnet or your choice of Certificate provider.  When you purchase your SSL Certificate you will need to have your "Certificate Signing Request" from the previous step, which will be copied and pasted during the purchasing process.  This is also where you will be asked to enter the exact domain name as mentioned before, meaning with or without the preceding 'www'.

5)   You will then have to approve the SSL Certificate request via the email address designated in the Administrator/Billing sections when purchasing your certificate.  Once approved, an email will be sent to the Technical contact email address which was also designated in the previous step, which will include 2 more certificates, a "Certificate Authority File (web server cert)" and a "Certificate Chain File" (intermediate ca).

6)   Lastly, you will add these 2 new certificates in your QWKnet H-Sphere control panel.  This is accomplished by logging back in to the control panel, clicking on the SSL icon, and clicking the "Edit" icon across from the desired domain.
Here we will paste and submit the Certificate Chain File, then paste and submit the Certificate Authority File (In that specific order!).

Lastly, browse to the site and test to make sure the certificate is working/updated.

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Malware can be fought in many different ways, the easiest thing to do is to run Malware Bytes and Spybot Search and Destroy. Once you have run these programs multiple times we suggest installing ESET NOD32 to prevent malware from taking over your computer again.

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oscommerce language pack location 



Quinn Whipple
QWK.Net Hosting, LLC

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Wordpress - Maximum Upload File Size 

Our servers are configured to allow you to upload images (or videos) up to 20MB.  Our servers are also configured with an upload timeframe.

Therefore, if the image you are trying to upload is smaller than 20MB, and you receive this error it is because your internet connections upload speed is insufficient.  For example, if you are trying to upload a 100MB image on a 512kbps upload link (standard T1 connection - 1.5Mbps download and 512kbps upload), it will take nearly 30 minutes to upload.  This exceeds our allowed upload timeframe, thus it will error out.

Likewise, if you want to upload an image that exceeds our 20MB limit, you will also receive an error message.  If you wish to upload an image that exceeds this limit, you can FTP the image using your favorite FTP program (example = FileZilla).  Once the image has been uploaded via FTP, you can use the "Add From Server" plugin in wordpress to import those images directly into wordpress (

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What issues are supported at QWK.Net, and in what fashion? 

We pride ourselves on having the most helpful support system around. In general, our support is focused around the following:

- Making sure your web site is online.
- Making sure you have access to what you have purchased.
- Answering questions for issues related to services we provide.

To help you better understand what type of support you may expect on different issues, we classify different types of inquiries as follows:

Officially supported issues - these issues receive top priority.

- Investigation and resolution of any service failure
- Account and feature setup, modification, and cancellation
- Providing system information and settings necessary to use account features

Unofficially supported issues - supported on an "as time available" basis.

- Help with debugging of improperly functioning CGI / PHP scripts
- Help installing CGI / PHP scripts
- Recommendation of proper tools and CGI / PHP scripts to perform needed tasks
- Proper configuration of customer software (e-mail, FTP, etc.)
- Selecting and using proper technologies to make an effective site
- Light HTML help (unfortunately, we can't teach it to you)

Unsupported issues - sorry, but we can't help you with these.

- Web site design or promotion (many competent professionals specialize in these services)
- Configuration or operation problems with customer-owned software or equipment (Please contact the people who sold it to you.)
- Legal or policy advice regarding web site content

This list is not meant, by any means, to discourage you from asking us for help. We just want to be sure you know what you can and cannot expect our assistance with, so you can get the help you need via whatever means are available to you.

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